(A poem starts here)
O God!
You gave me birth
You only shall decide my death
My life span is controlled by thee
But O my dear God!
Will thee not allow me
To have my own signature
On this life?
This life
Of course, gifted by you
Must carry my own imprints.
O my dear God!
I am very polite - when i say so -
Kindly! Dare not interfere with this little span.
O my dear God!
I am sure you understand the emotions of this child of yours!
( The poem ends here)
Order only can make us exist and disorder only can make us evolve. I want to evolve because i want to make some change. To evolve i must create disorder. To evolve i must exist and to exist! I must retain the order. Thus i express my fundamental confusion.
So, i need to define the limitation of my existence. It must be minimum possible - just to survive - so that i can have some canvas to paint my evolution. Very interesting. If i exist fully, i just exist. No contribution of mine and no growth of my individuality. If i evolve at full pace, i cease to exist. Hence minimum existence only allows me to grow and evolve.
So, let us come to the conclusion. I'll control my existence parameters. I'll try not to make my existence felt in as many areas as possible. I'll become like water - colorless and tasteless. Then, i'll be able to create some space for disorder. Disorder - which will enhance my individuality and let me evolve to my maximum possible.
The lesson for all of us - the more we limit ourselves, the more we are able to expand ourselves.
Lesson number two - follow common minimum order for survival and let your imagination redefine the rules for all the rest!
Be yourself. All the best.