Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear Human beings! What about some food, drinks, sleep and sex?

God made a man. Man made the world!

Na.. God made the world and man made a beautiful world!

Na.. God thought and man was there! Man thought and civilised world is here!

In whatever way may it be put forth, it is impossible to belittle human contribution in giving its present shape to the world. If we want to summarise, it can be expressed in just one word i.e. positive.

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Let us ask a question to ourselves now. In what activities do we spend our maximum time and attention? What are our prime concerns? What issues occupy a major chunk of our thinking?

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About 28 years ago, a survey was conducted on this topic. Nearly 800 young boys and girls of Europe were asked these questions. And the results were not astonishing. They listed out just five issues - Food, drinks, rest (sleep), self defence (including offence) and sex.


One spiritual Guru of Indian origin, when he came to know of the survey and the results thereof, commented, " Every creature on this earth - animal, bird or insect - is capable of enjoying all these five activities. In some forms of life, they are much more capable than human beings in these areas. And if we believe in human superiority in all the forms of life, there must be some other, and more important, purpose of our existence."

I find this analysis very thought provoking and transformational.

Let us start observing our thought process. Whenever we find ourselves contemplating on any of these five issues, we should remind ourselves that though there is nothing unnatural in this, yet it is not making full use of our existence as a human being on this planet. We are born for some greater purposes. Let us find them out and achieve them. We must behave sometimes as a human being and not only as an animal.

Almighty has a plan for my life and that's all i need to know!

India vs. Bharat

What is the population of India?
10 to 15 crores.

But I have read somewhere that the number is even more than 100 crores.
No, that's wrong. The population of India is only 10 to 15 cores.

It can't be wrong. India is second most populated country of the world.
No, that's wrong. India has very less population.

There are many problems in India such as unemployment, inflation and poverty.
Wrong! There are no problems in India other than some recessionary trends and swine flue!

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I am sure by now, many of you have guessed the matters right. We are living in a land co-inhabited by two different nations that is India and Bharat. India, a nation of 10 to 15 crore population, is growing fast while on the other hand, Bharat, a nation of 100 crores is languishing.

If you somewhat agree with this analysis, or find it worth examining, please continue to read. If you find this dangerous like two-nation theory of Jinnah, please curse the author and stop reading.

Let us have some distinguishing features of India and Bharat.

1. India talks in English. Bharat follows the adage Char Kos par paani badle, aath kos par baani.
( Water quality changes after every four miles and the dialect spoken changes after every eight miles).

2. India is riding on the wave of IT revolution. Bharat is struggling to make every child literate. For many Bharatiya people, the proverb Kala Akshar Bhains barabar is fully applicable.

3. Indian people are winning the world. While inhabitants of Bharat are busy in their own villages.

4. India is perceived to be a global power. Bharat is still seen as a land of snake charmers.

5. The hot issues of discussion in India are swine flue, gay rights, proposed change in IIT admission criteria etc. Bharat is still engaged in discussing about the availability of electricity, water and roads.

6. India does not vote. It considers itself much above the Hoi Polloi election process. Bharat desperately wants to vote, primarily to earn the freebies associated with casting a vote.

7. India is net savvy. Bharat is stuck in the net of poverty.

8. India is working on the target of making it India's century. The vision 2020 has become the policy document. Bharat is somewhere lost between changing times or, better if we say, is nostalgic about history and just wants to keep on reliving it.

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Who are we - Indians or Bharatiyas? Where do we live - in India or in Bharat? A very difficult question indeed! Our survival depends on any one of both the nations as per the demand of the situation. In many cases the shopkeeper is Indian and the customers are Bharatiya. Exactly the opposite also happens in many other cases. With some planned thinking, everyone of us can think of many such examples. Everyday on the road, we find both type of people passing by us. And the paradox is that while India depends on Bharat for its manpower needs, the vice versa happens for many other things as well. Hence we really need to find a model of peaceful co-existence.

The peculiarity of the situation is that holistically a solution has to be found in unison without creating disjoint pieces.

End note on the terminating sentence : Recently i was part of a corporate meeting. A lot of discussion took place. Part of that was absolutely superficial. A lot of meaningless sentences were used just to impress the audience, not to convey any sensible message. After the meeting, it was found that many statements used during the discussion were so general and colorless in nature that they can be used anywhere. The last sentence of this post is one such example. Try to use it in any situation you like. Chances are that it will suit everywhere. But just exercise one precaution. The peculiarity of the situation is that holistically a solution has to be found in unison without creating disjoint pieces. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!