Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A case for balancing contradictory hopes!

Young minds are full of hope. Hope, it seems, justifies their existence and energy. Sometimes they have many hopes - contradicting with one another. And this causes tremendous confusion.

Today i met one such mind. He is very active and smart. He always makes his presence felt by his original and intellectually-rich contributions in any ongoing discussion. I have interacted with him in Entrepreneurship class. We normally discuss successful first generation entrepreneurs and their success secrets in the class. Every discussion starts with taking the case of a successful business idea. We also discuss how it was executed and then we proceed to a brain storming session. Everybody presents his or her thoughts about some other possible versions and formats of the same idea. Normally we end up generating tens of exciting business ideas. This young mind whom i mentioned earlier always participates in this amrit manthan and any observer can easily judge his hunger for material growth in such discussions.

But today was a different day. The discussion took a very interesting turn and soon we found ourselves discussing about spirituality and meditation. Everybody had a lot to say. Someone also commented, "This field also offers tremendous entrepreneurial opportunities". Everybody agreed. And i noted that the subject of discussion in this blog post today, the young mind, was becoming restless and asking a lot of questions. The struggle inside was clearly visible on his face. We discussed a lot of things. We discussed science, philosophy and religion. We agreed on the following issues :

1. Total disbelief in all superstitions is also a superstition!

2. Science is systematic knowledge of any branch of study. Philosophy is systematised science and religion is systematised philosophy.

3. Astrology can be a science but a very large number of available practitioners are quacks.

4. Meditation is a way to concentrate our entire attention at one target.

5. We have many beliefs prevalent in our society. There can be three categories of these beliefs : proved ones, disproved ones and those which are neither proved nor disproved. Not following the first category is ignorance. Following the second category is sheer superstition. Well, regarding the third category, we concluded that considering the long customary usage, following them will be a little more logical than not trusting them.

6. If having non-vegetarian food is a sin, why not eating grains too? Of course, they are also seeds and thus they do contain possibility of life!

When the class was over, he came to me and expressed his desire to ask a few questions. Both of us sat at Chaupaal for the same. He asked me a direct question, "Sir! I hope to be a very successful and rich entrepreneur. I also hope to reach spiritual heights. Aren't they contradictory?" He also informed me that this confusion had existed for the last four years or so. These hopes definitely look conflicting. The situation apparently offers a choice. After some discussion we decided to search for some examples. We found some astonishing ones. A politician, a scientist and a scientist cum thought leader. Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein and Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, to be precise. And drawing the conclusion was very simple. It is the game of maintaining balance. But many great people have successfully done so.

The lessons for me: First, two contradictory hopes can be fulfilled simultaneously. And the second, the young minds today are very much aware and full of enquiry.

The future of great Indian quest for truth is safe!


sanjay said...

Hi Sir, it was really good insight as to how two contradicting hopes can align together and how striking a balance between two helps an individual to achieve great heights in life.

Unknown said...

Respected Sir,
it was really good insight about hope. people have to believe on hope. and this article also tell us about meditation and how much it is necessary to concentrate and focus on our work.

Thank you sir

Prateek Khatri
Walton hall

Chak De said...

I missed this beatiful class of yours Sir but this this thing always came in my mind all the time that we as an Entrepreneur will face this confusion in daily life even today i am facing it, I jus forget 2 be happy u knw, i dnt knw what to do, really blank, just trying, trying n trying hard to get a solution

Vishal M said...

Respected sir,
sir this is a great class learning you have shared with us, i also have same thought in my mind about this issue. so i have made my mind to be an entrepreneur.

Prof. Varun Gupta said...

Sonika : Happiness is a habit. Cultivate it. We just can't sacrifice it for anything.

Vishal : Congrats for making a timely decision.

Sanjay and Prateek : thank you very much for reading and commenting.

Jagrat Sanadhya said...

Dear Sir,
Thanks for the invaluable insights.

Jagrat Sanadhya

Seema Patil said...

Respected Sir,
There are many things in life which are contradictory but hold true in two different situations and can also bring out balance.Another situation would be that you have to create a balance between contradictory things and apply.For example if we take two English proverbs 1)The pen is mightier than a sword 2) Actions speaks louder than words. These are two contradictory statements but you have to apply both in different situations.
Seema Patil

vinay said...

Respected Sir,

Excellent learning, students in class teaches lot of things to us and as faculty member inside the class it gives tremendous pleasure to listen their views.

Unknown said...

Respected sir,

From the first day at PROTON I`m observing that here in PROTON, most of the faculty staff is young, even the top team and chief mentor also. So sir, i want to ask this question that what are the reasons for choosing young faculties? why din`t u employ any faculty who is so old having much experience than these ? Is there any logic or reason behind it or i`m just observing wrong ?

With Regards,
Pr Rahul Jain
Fall 09

Shreyas said...

Good Evening sir,
contradictory hopes, is what makes life a life. If it could have been as simple as picking up a book, on a single theme and reading it in a seating it would have never called life. Confusions can teach you a lot ( I think ) as they occur for those things which we want, but could not pursue all of them at the same time. Rejecting things and Receiving or Accepting things is what we shall seek to learn from it.


Sulabh Muchhal said...

Thank you !! Reading it gave me goose pimples. I think the almighty has bestowed his blessings on every being in a unique way. Observe every person and you would see he/she has a good and a bad side; some talents that he is born with, others he has to aspire for and achieve. Thus every body has some or the other struggle in this limited life time. What best you can make out would define your contribution.
Hence every individual is born with a purpose; this existence has some meaning. Had it not been so, why would birds fly in the blue sky and why would the grass be green only? The VIBGYOR itself explains that life comes in all shades. There is a deeper meaning to life, and as i mentioned about the struggle - probably the sole struggle and the motive to my life is to achieve that balance. But miles to go before i sleep........ i still have those goose pimples.