Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Money, Time and Energy

Mobile has redefined the art of networking. How to make friends and how to keep the relations rejuvenated - has long been a subject matter for active discussion among thinkers and self-styled management gurus. But a small handset has challenged all those time-tested principles and techniques.

And the entire science of making friends and influencing people has come down to just two principles :
How to make friends ? Send them a message every day.
How to maintain relations? Send them a positive good morning message every day.

I do not entirely agree with these two rules. But many of my friends, relatives and students do treat them as gospel truths. And i am the victim. Every morning i receive tens of messages and the fact that you can't delete a message without opening it increases the agony. Of course, these commonplace messages do remind me of the sender but the vibrations sent telepathically from my side are not always positive.

But this morning i got a message which caught my attention and even after deleting it immediately, it refuses to leave me. And the message is :

3 stupid stages of life :
TEEN : You have time and energy but no money
ADULT : You have money and energy but no time
OLD : You have money and time but no energy!
So live every moment fully!!

How can we come out of this rut? If teens spare some time for a part time job and earn their pocket money or if adults tend to become better time managers or if the old ones continue to exercise and remain in shape - one would say. But is it that simple?

About the teen age, I am not very sure. But i can say one thing with reasonable conviction. Managing time for family and physical exercise in the adult age can help a lot. And some benefits will continue to be available in the old age as well. This may well be the most crucial life style challenge before the working population the world over today.

And the most important learning. Cellphones are just a tool. How to use it - is a valuable skill to learn!


Test said...

Some more stages of life Sir -

1) Pre Teens - you have the enthusiasm and zest but no brains
2) Post Teens Pre Adulthood - you have the affairs but no sanction
3) Post Education Pre First Job - you have the desire to change the world but not the sense that you cannot!
4) Post First Job - you have the frustration but not the skills (yet)
5) Post Working Life Pre Retirement - you have the experience but no one willing to hear


Manmeet Arora said...

Cell phones are a convinience,but mostly for others.We are trapped

Nice insight Sir !

We may also try to define business hours on Cell phones through our visiting cards/e mails etc.
Quiet possible,it may reduce 2% of our so called cell phone load !

Similarly we can define ratio of our work to health in passing stages of life so as to live a quality one.

Rupesh said...

Varun Ji,

I am a little confused on few last lines of the post.

Which of the two (time for family or exercise) you are emphesizing more to benifit in old age. Just want to have some wisdom from your "Not so young days" planning :)

Adding to more stages suggested by Sandeep Ji-

Mid Career - You have something to say which seniors don't listen. You want to listen something which juniors never say.
