Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A case for productivity!

What is the one thing you like most to do when you get up in the morning?

When i asked this question to a batch of 20 young and energetic students of undergraduate courses, i did not have the slightest of idea as to what is in store for me.

The initial answers were politically correct and less frank.

"I pray to God for this beautiful day."
"I take blessings of my elders and parents."
"I make a to-do-list for the day."
"I meditate."
"I exercise."
"I revise my lessons of the previous day."
"I devote my time to the pre-class assignments for the day."

Then came some frank and off the cuff replies.

"I go to washroom."
"I check my mobile for any messages or missed calls."
"I switch on some music."
"I just pick up daily newspaper."
"I pick up the book that was left incomplete the previous night."

Then it was time for some mischievous ones.

"I give a missed call to my best friend."
"I look at the watch and go back to sleep."

And then came the answer that has prompted me to write this blog post.

"I get up and keep sitting for some time without doing anything. I just sit there for half an hour."

This answer in itself was not very shocking but the reaction was. More than half of others began to second this answer and wanted to replace their initial replies with this one. And this prompted me to probe a little further. I asked them to give five minutes and analyse themselves as to how much time of the day they spend doing 'nothing'. Some questions came up for clarification and we set up some ground rules. One rule said that watching a particular programme on TV was NOT doing nothing but sitting there and changing channels purposelessly will be doing nothing. Another said that lying in bed trying to sleep is NOT doing nothing but lying just to kill time will be doing nothing. Some more such rules were laid down to include all the periods of inactivity.

After some time, final answers started coming in. They were in the range of 2 hours to 8 hours. This exercise was certainly going to produce something. The overall average of 21 persons (including myself) came to 4 hours 57 minutes 9 seconds. This much time we tend to spend without doing anything in particular!

A lot of discussion followed. To sum up, we could not reach any conclusion about this time being a waste or not. Some of us present there very strongly believed that this time was important to retain our focus and concentration at other times. And we also found out that there was no proof of any noticeable variation in the general efficiency levels of people belonging to the two extremes (inactive for 2 hours or for 8 hours).

Of course, it is very important to optimise the available resources. The final outcome is always a function of availability of resources and the optimum utilisation thereof. And i remember having read somewhere, 'The best gifts in the world are free!" This might be the reason of a very common observation that natural gifts are mostly subjected to sub-optimal utilisation. Productivity is one such principle that must be applied to every situation we are in. This can very easily be a universal principle to measure efficiency and predict effectiveness!

Coming back to the thought experiment conducted in the class, the sample size was too small to propound any final trend. I request the readers to introspect and provide us their valuable inputs by way of comments. I sincerely hope that we might discover something that might throw some light on this angle of human behaviour!(Notwithstanding the fact that productivity is a guiding principle in all situations)


Neeraj Chotrani said...

Hello Sir,
Here I am giving my views on the last answer which you got from the student.If someone is wasting his/her time for just the sake of relax then it is bad and if a person utilze this time by doing meditation or by remembering the god to whom he/she is believing most then it will be fruitfull.Infact presently I can't do this but I know the results of it.

Neeraj Chotrani

Gautam Gunjaria said...

Respected sir,

Thanks for conducting such a wonderful experiment. I also fall in that category of young people with whom you conducted the experiment. My average unproductive time would come to 3 hours a day.

Its very human that we don't value the resources available free of cost. But the question here is to cope with such a problem??

What I personally thought is to have a SPECIAL to-do list dedicated to the task which we should perform when we are doing nothing. We should think calmly what all value addition we can do when we are free doing nothing. For this we should determine our immediate needs for instance excelling at communication, then during free time activities like vocab building, learning rules of grammar, etc. can be taken up.

The big challenge with this method is we generally forget to do all such activities which we have thought of. So the SPECIAL to-do list should be on our desktop, on our study table, etc. and at all such places where we sit and do nothing.

With regards,
Gautam Gunjaria
Fall 09

Vidit Shah said...

Dear Sir,
I feel this was the question which helped me realize that the most efficient part of my day is spent taking hot shower and then spending leisure time having a cup of coffee with some heavy breakfast. I realized that taking bath should not take more than 5-10 minutes and breakfast is as necessary as waking up but should also have a time limit for the same. So I feel the most productive part of my day is spent taking bath and breaking the fast. I'm sure that after the realization i'll start reduce the time spent on these activities and will indulge in some of the productive ways like reading "The Economist" or enhancing the vocabulary.
Vidit Shah

Sonu said...

Gud morning sir,
I have read your whole blog and I get three things from it
1)Free time is not the waste of time, generally when I am free I used to recall all the happening that happen before that time. So, this make me realise that what are the right and wrong thing I have done on that dayor before that time.
2)Free time allows me to know myself in much better way
3)When we are not thinking anything at that time we are thinking something.

Sonu said...

Gud morning sir,
I have read your whole blog and I get three things from it
1)Free time is not the waste of time, generally when I am free I used to recall all the happening that happen before that time. So, this make me realise that what are the right and wrong thing I have done on that dayor before that time.
2)Free time allows me to know myself in much better way
3)When we are not thinking anything at that time we are thinking something.

Unknown said...

hello sir,
after reading your post i analysed myself for a day and thats the reason im commenting on it so late.well to be honest the time actully wasted by me is the highest.i get up n waste half an hour on bed without doing anything also after coming from college as its winter going on i prefer to go to bed early and waste my time doing nothing but lying inside the blanket and thinking about the person who is not there in my life, the total goes up to 5 hours daily which i waste that to without realising that i have wasted it.i guess your mere railisation will help me to come out of the problem i m facing now because thinking about some one hurts me every day so it will be better if i quit thinking and do something productive. thank you sir. proton arpita karwa

swati jain said...

Dear sir,
awesome insight given by you, by which we can convert our waste time in to best time.this is awesome suggestion sir
thanks a lot.

Swati Jain
Fall 08