Monday, May 31, 2010

Systemic and systematic downfall of the system!

Who is more responsible for the falling standards(?) of education in India today - students or teachers?

This was the topic given to a group of 12 school students for a general discussion in a spoken English class. The consensus that emerged was interesting. The group concluded that some students are at fault, some teachers may also be at fault but largely it is the responsibility of the 'System'.

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People normally tend to criticize politicians for many of their problems. Whatever may be the level of the problem : local, regional or national - it is some or the other politician or sometimes the entire political class that is to be blamed. A very big majority believes that politics is the last haven for the scoundrels. This conclusion may have a strong opposition too. But still, few will dispute the fact that good people are finding it very tough to enter the field of politics. And why is it so? Ask anyone and the most likely answer would hold the 'System' responsible for this challenging situation.

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The role of Media is also in news these days. Print, audio-visual or electronic, all types of media are under the scanner. Many people tend to whisper about the need to regulate the sector. Nearly all the political parties, in private confidential discussions, impress the need to bring a set of regulations to make media behave. But no one dares to say anything in public. 'Paid news' has become such a known phenomenon, still nobody raises a voice officially. Why so? "What can be done? It is the System of the day!"

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Let us again come to the field of education. What is the condition of our universities today? Everybody is aware about the pressure tactics adopted in the appointment of vice chancellors. Campuses have become the playing field of the various political parties. But nobody seems to worry. It is the 'System' of the day!

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Let us ponder for a moment. Why is it so that we all tend to accept the system? We all believe that the system has to be accepted without any question. And when any sincere, intelligent, independent minded entrepreneur wants to establish something new and better, the system tries its level best not to allow this positive change to become the order of the day. And not so surprisingly, when an average person wants to establish his own enterprise without any big positive change or vision, the system never opposes, rather supports the same.

As a nation, have we ceased to be alive and kicking? How long will the system of accepting follies of the System continue?

Let me make one suggestion. Students should be encouraged to prepare the model rules for various systems. Let them be in public domain. Online social media can be a very good plateform for everyone to keep a watch and contribute.

Let me ask two things to my readers. One, can you try to define the System? And two, can some independent group take up the task of preparing model code of conduct for the media today?


Ankit Mandloi said...

Respected Sir,
Wonderful post!

You wrote this post from your heart that can easily be seen from your post. Some kind of desperation can also be seen. It's possible only when you experienced/experiencing the same. Issues like politics, education and media, that you have raised in your post, are extremely important for the growth of any nation. And the drivers of the 'Systems' should understand that the overall growth is more important than any individuals growth.

In my opinion, "System is comprises of those positive elements that drives you towards the positive change. "But in today's scenario, only the DRIVERS can feel the positivity, not all, who are directly or indirectly associated with the system. That is the biggest issue of today and we have to take some action towards the betterment of the system. And once we stared taking initiatives, 'code of conduct' can be made not only for the media, but for all the Systems which are corrupt or need to be changed.

Sir, I truly admire you and love to read your posts. I love your simplicity too!

Keep blogging!

Thanks and Regards,
Proton Ankit Mandloi

Shoaib Qureshi said...

Dear Sir,

I think a system is a procedure for achieving something. Then there are various sub-systems which constitute the system as a whole. The problem with most of the systems today is that some of these sub-systems are infected. This infection has grown to an extent that it has handicapped the entire system making it very difficult for any positive change to occur. I completely agree that an independent group can prepare a code of conduct for the media to stop the 'paid news' & other similar follies. This is infact just about the right time for a change like this.

Proton Shoaib Qureshi

Satyawan Malhan said...

Dear Sir,
Govt. is run by the politician's, directly or indirectly all the projects got permission by the politicians. This may be we called a system.
As sir you said in the blog without good vision & idea, System will not support.Due to that many a great idea's not found the way to convert into a bigger one.Same problem faced by our education system nobody want to change in eduction of country.
Sir i want some more suggestion by the help of online/ social media for the awareness for good system.
Thank you sir very Important Topic you discussed here
PROTON Satyawan Malhan

Nikhil said...

"System" as we know it today is actually a manifestation of the collective attitude ( Not thoughts ) of those who are affected by it.. We all know people and persons who have high ideals and morals but very few will be wiling to bring forth the attitude that keeps these ideals/morals alive and kicking at all times...Develop attitude..Period.